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This is a pretend article about vegetables. Specifically, how long they are and what color they are. There are lots of vegetables in the world and they are of various colors. They can be white, blue or yellow; but there are no neon vegetables in nature. Once you're done reading, you should be able to identify whether or not what you're eating is a vegetable.
As you can see in the table above, my shopping list has vegetables of various colors.
First, let's talk about potatoes. Your average potato is 6 inches long and 5 inches wide. Of course, there are various types of potatos, but if you took every single potato of every size, shape and variety, they are roughly that size on average. Addionally, most potatoes are brown. Some are white and some are yellow; some are sweet and some are mellow. But potatoes are potatoes and on average they are brown.
Now carrots, those are orange. Did you know that carrots actually used to be purple? Yeah, I didn't know that either. But after I read the article I just linked to, I learned it. Then, I knew it! What an interesting fact. I didn't personally unearth that fact, but I linked to it from another website. I also don't unearth carrots; I buy them at the grocery store.
In conclusion, carrots used to be purple and you now know the average length of a potato. But you don't know the distribution of potato lengths or how the length differs by potato type. I hope you can now identify whether or not what you're eating is a vegetable.
If you're reading this, you've reached the end of the article and probably lost a few brain cells. Now we, a group of professional newspeople, are going to work on improving it. Kind of like a reverse mad-libs.
This was fun. Goodbye!